Home Care

We offer graduated levels of care at your home, your retirement community, or in a facility to meet our clients' evolving needs from basic support and companionship, to more comprehensive RN supervised care.

Level 1

Occasional home care support and companionship for improved health and safety.

Transportation and accompaniment to meals, outings, and appointments.

Companionship, conversation

Often used for outpatient appointments such as cataract surgery, colonoscopy, podiatrist visits etc.

Level 2

Increased assistance, incorporating all services from Level 1.

Acivities individually suited to each client.

Meal and snack reminders and suggestions.

Meal planning and preparation.

Light housekeeping and laundry services.

Exercise encouragement and assistance.

Shopping for or with client.

Advocacy and assistance at doctors' appointments.

Assistance with bedtime or morning wake-up routines.

Personal grooming, clothing selection, and dressing guidance.

Administering medication or reminder.